next CLUB starts monday 2nd SePTEMBER!

So what’s it all about?

The Honest Mummy Club is a two week programme where mums come together to give themselves a bit of that love that we continue to pour out to our loved ones. Have you heard the saying, ‘pouring from an empty cup’? It’s a phrase I use a lot, and I’m on a mission to help mums fill that cup up so we aren’t running on empty.

During the two weeks, I chat over on Instagram about mindfulness and our wellbeing as mothers. And when you join, you’ll be added to my close friends group so you can get in on the conversation. I also set a task for each day which you’ll be able to listen to at your own leisure. Don’t worry, these are very small, accessible tasks that we can all take part in every day or even as you please. There’s no award at the end for completing everything, so don’t feel like that’s a requirement. Even if you complete one task, you’ll be doing more for yourself than you would have had you not joined.

There’s also a WhatsApp chat for each month and you can join that too if you wish to connect and keep yourself accountable.

And what’s my end goal?

I want to create a community for mothers where we look after each other and ensure we are looking after ourselves as well as our babies.

Come join us.

The Honest Mummy Club: Reset
One time

Reclaim your inner calm with two weeks designed to encourage you to do something small for you each day. Be it a mindfulness exercise, or a household chore you've been putting off. Reset, recharge and reframe with me and a group of other mothers.

✓ Whatsapp accountability group
✓ Access to exclusive Instagram stories
✓ Downloadable journal
✓ A daily task just for you
✓ Exclusive audio content



“Carla is worth her weight in gold. I feel like a calmer, more together mum since taking all of her wellbeing challenges.”


“Even just knowing us mums feel the same and are in the same boat with the same struggles helps.”


“It’s really made me realise that even when I’m busy making time for me helps everyone in the long run and focus on what’s important and what’s not.”


“I love the club and need it.”


“It has allowed me to take a step back and understand some of the things i stress over are so little and minor in the grand scheme of things and has allowed me to enjoy my wee boy so much more.”